Repair and refurbish

Original (DMG-01) Gameboy common faults repair

Nintendo Gameboy

The Nintendo Gameboy was released in 1989 and became a huge success. The unit can be described as a handheld version of the popular 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), or Famicom (Family Computer). The Gameboy is characterized by using the same type of controls as the NES, powered by four AAA-batteries, a monochrome (greenish) screen, and a simple, but robust design. During the 1990s several…
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Wico Command Control Bat Handle repair

Wico Command Control Bat Handle

Wico Command Control is another classic joystick I have had the honor to work on lately. In prior posts I’ve described repairs of Wico Q Stick and Suncom TAC-2. The Wico Command Controlk was bought together with a couple of other broken joysticks. All three joysticks had their cables cut at the base of the joystick for some reason. Apart from that, the Command Control…
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Repairing a TAC-2 with a broken stick

TAC-2 repaired

If Commodore 64 is one of the most classic home computers from the 1980s, then Suncom’s TAC-2  (Totally Accurate Controller MK2) joystick is one of the most classic joysticks of all time, known for its precision and robustness. The TAC-2 is almost indestructible apart from some corrosion issues, and problems with old broken wires, both with can be easily fixed. However, there are a few…
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