Mounting the DreamPSU


The Dreamcast was released in 1998 and is still going strong. However, as with any old console, it requires some maintenance and updates to keep functioning. Even if the Dreamcast is built like a tank, one weak point is the power supply unit (PSU). It may fail over time, and generates heat that may shorten the lifetime of other components. Thus, it is a good idea to replace the original PSU with a modern part, like the DreamPSU. A DreamPSU can be bought from various sites, and the version I got included an external power adapter for different regions. In this post I will show you how perform the replacement, step by step.

First, disassemble the Dreamcast

As always, working on the Dremacast is a breeze. Four screws (one under the modem unit) is all that keeps the console together.

Dreamcast disassembly

Second, remove the old PSU

Remove two screws and the power switch cable, and gently pull up the old PSU from the six pins. Now is a good opportunity to clean these pins as they are a common cause of failure if they become dirty / corroded.

Inside the Dreamcast
Dreamcast PSU

Third, mount the DreamPSU

Then, add the DreamPSU over the six pins, mount it with one of the screws you removed from the original PSU, and add the new power connector with the plastic bracket.

DreamPSU mounted

There you are! Hopefully this mod will make your beloved Dreamcast to last even longer. Only downside of this mod is the removed advantage of of having the PSU hidden inside the console…

Messy cables

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